The Meteors The Meteors - This Town

I met a pretty girl she was the hottest thing Id seen
She said come home with me the place I live is just a dream
I fired my bike up there and then
I thought I could come home again

But this town will kill you
It will grind you up and fucking kill you
Once you are there you will never leave
The poisons in the people but they just can't see
And those who try to run away
Something drags them back they got to stay
This town will kill you
It will get inside your brain and fucking kill you

If your not one of them
Well you're never really there
Try as you might they keep on smiling g
But they don't care
They lock each other up in smiling chains
And disappoint themselves again
This town will kill you
It will break your fuckin heart and it will kill you

But ill keep on trying to the end
To get us out of here again
Its gonna kill you oh baby it's gonna kill you
It will knock you to the floor and it will kill you
It will break your fucking dreams up and kill you
It will smash your hope away and kill you